Create JIT config file using PowerShell – Connect to UAT database from DevBox

# Get the path to the folder where the script is located
$scriptDirectory = $PSScriptRoot

# Define the path to the XML file (assumes the file is in the same folder as the script)
$sourceXmlFilePath = Join-Path -Path $scriptDirectory -ChildPath "web.config"
$devXmlFilePath = Join-Path -Path $scriptDirectory -ChildPath "web_dev $(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).config"

# Load the XML file
if (-Not (Test-Path $sourceXmlFilePath)) {
    Write-Host "Error: File 'web.config' not found in the script directory." -ForegroundColor Red

# Prompt for new values
$serverAndDatabase = Read-Host "Enter the JIT server\database"
if ($serverAndDatabase -notmatch "\\") {
    Write-Host "Error: Please provide the input in the format 'ServerName\DatabaseName'." -ForegroundColor Red

# Prompt for other values
$userName = Read-Host "Enter the new JIT user name"
$password = Read-Host "Enter the JIT password"

# Split server/database string
$serverName, $databaseName = $serverAndDatabase -split "\\"

[xml]$xmlContent = Get-Content $sourceXmlFilePath
# Save a copy of the current dev
Write-Host "web_dev $(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).config created successfully!"

# Update the XML values
$xmlContent.configuration.appSettings.add | Where-Object {
    $_.key -eq "DataAccess.SqlUser"
} | ForEach-Object {
    $_.value = "$userName"

$xmlContent.configuration.appSettings.add | Where-Object {
    $_.key -eq "DataAccess.AxAdminSqlUser"
} | ForEach-Object {
    $_.value = "$userName"

$xmlContent.configuration.appSettings.add | Where-Object {
    $_.key -eq "DataAccess.Database"
} | ForEach-Object {
    $_.value = "$databaseName"

$xmlContent.configuration.appSettings.add | Where-Object {
    $_.key -eq "DataAccess.DbServer"
} | ForEach-Object {
    $_.value = "$serverName"

$xmlContent.configuration.appSettings.add | Where-Object {
    $_.key -eq "DataAccess.AxAdminSqlPwd"
} | ForEach-Object {
    $_.value = "$password"

$xmlContent.configuration.appSettings.add | Where-Object {
    $_.key -eq "DataAccess.SqlPwd"
} | ForEach-Object {
    $_.value = "$password"

# Save the changes back to the original XML file
Write-Host "web.config updated successfully!"

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